Hello Children,

       Congratulations to you both.

       Emma, you got the part of Patty in Grease. You don't know it yet but this is no ordinary school play. This is a big production for the sheriff's foundation and you will be performing at a huge charity event. Emma, you asked me if I would be disappointed if you didn't get the partt and if I wanted you to try out for the part. I said, "I only want you to try if you want the part and I will only be disappointed if you wanted the part and didn't try."

       You just keep amazing us. One day I will get to teach you how to accept failure after trying but not yet.

       Preston, you wrote your name for the first time. Your mom was a bit worried but I knew you had the genes of a writer.

       Well I have good news too.

       This project is really becoming a collaboration of experts. There is so much going on at once and it is all very exciting. There is so much to report I am not sure where to begin.

       The lead count continues to grow and it looks like my report on interest is a hit because nobody unsubscribed after getting it and it looks like people are recommending that others check out the website.

       My original plan included a google ad campaign and once my list and content were established, I was going to work with affiliates and try a couple of endorsed email campaigns.

       I am still planning on doing all of that only…

I now have EXPERT help!

       A few top-notch electronic marketing experts were huge fans of your Grandfather and like these new Boron letters. They have offered to help me with the online marketing campaign and believe me when I say this is going to be great.

       Here is an interesting story about your grandparents. A long time ago Grandpa Gary and Grandma Nancy were in a bar overlooking the Pacific Ocean. They were discussing who was smarter and to settle the matter Grandpa turned to her and said, "Suppose we needed to get to Catalina Island in four hours or the kids would lose their lives. What would you do?"

       She went on to explain how she would take a huge wad of cash and head to Marina Del Rey and exactly who she would go to first to charter a boat and explained all the different things she would do if that failed.

       Grandpa then said, " you know what I would do?"

       She said, "no."

       He then said, "I'd ask YOU what to do."

       See, being smart isn't always having the best answer. Sometimes being smart is knowing who does.

       In my case, I am more than happy to get help from the best experts on google ad words and website launches and so forth.

       I have been getting some good ideas from Sam Markowitz. I am getting a lot of help from Scott Haines, Nancy Jones and now the list is growing.

       People are also offering up content for the insidersecretsoftherich.com website.

       By the way, Grandpa also loved it when a project excited other marketers and would also take advantage of help from other experts.

       Another lesson here, is one I learned from my oldest brother Jeff. He once told me that you have to put yourself out there to get what you want. If you let people know you are looking for a job and can't wait to get back to work, people remember that and if they hear of an opening, they will remember you.

       If you choose to sulk instead and not tell anyone of the shame, that you no longer have a job, they can't recommend you, because they don't KNOW you are out of work. If there is an opening at their place of employment, will they want to recommend and work with someone who is a downer? I doubt it.

       After writing the above few paragraphs, I heard a lady on CNN say that when it came to finding new jobs nothing was as effective as your own network of friends and associates.

       I love being right. I just wish it was all the time.

       This lesson is also good for almost everything you want to do. If you collect bumper stickers and tell everyone of your passion, people will send you bumper stickers and call you, when they see a box full at a yard sale.

       I put out what I am doing on grandpa's website and I tell everyone who I know has a positive attitude, what I am doing and the offers of support have come pouring in.

       The expert advice is very welcome. This great network of people will hopefully be there for both of you when you grow up too, but everyone has a network of people and the lesson is, don't be shy about expressing your goals and they will become easier to attain. Remember, nobody ever does anything all by themselves, we all got help somewhere.

       Okay back to the details of our project.

       Our lead count is 130 and still growing.

       We have no negative feedback from the first follow-up report about living on interest, which is a good sign.

       It is time to discuss online marketing, because we have done very little so far and we are about to do a whole lot more.

       In college they taught us that there are four main categories of marketing they called the four Ps. They were product, promotion, placement (distribution) and price.

       I have always maintained that if a business could improve on any of those four via the internet, then they will have great success online.

       For example, if you can improve your promotions because a video demonstration really sells your prospects more than any still pictures ever could, like a toy that is really cool to see in action, then a website can really help you promote your product.

       Colors, images and audio/video presentations pdf files give us much cheaper ways to make very elaborate sales pitches. If you wanted to show a prospect a video of a gizmo, you used to have to make a copy of the tape and send it at an expensive cost through the mail, which took a long time and hope the prospect cared enough to remember to watch it.

       Now they can click their mouse and see whatever you want.

       If the price can be lowered, because you can now take orders over the net and not have to pay for an expensive store front, you may get a boost from emarketing.

       If you can actually deliver your product or service over the Internet, you may be able to save so much in shipping, that a business which was previously to expensive because of delivery costs is now viable such as cheap reports or e-books for $9.

       Best of all, is when the business is only made possible by the Internet like Ebay. To replace Ebay without the internet is impossible.

       You can see that within these four categories there is lots and lots to discuss and we need to start somewhere so let's start with promotion.

       It is my belief that the leads I generate running space ads in newspapers are better and worth a lot more than leads generated by google adwords or banner advertising. I could be wrong and all I want is to know the truth.

       However, I see no reason not to try it all. As long as it is profitable, I will do both.

       I think the most important difference between good online marketing and print marketing is the attention span of people online is much much shorter.

       When it comes to print, everyone is sort of trained to start at the top left and read to the right and work their way down the page. Avid readers usually don't skim or skip ahead when reading. For those that do, we usually put subheads or mini headlines.


Online, Nobody Wants to Read Much!


       Someone emailed in after reading an announcement to my father's fans that I should keep my sentences down to, no more than 127 characters per paragraph.

       This is normally true. However, my father's fans are very literate and the Boron Letters will be printed out and since the point was to alert them, the minute they got the gist of what I was announcing, they could stop reading the announcement and go straight to the website.

       With all the other emails I write to prospects, you will see short sentences. If it is long copy I send it out in pdf. Format so they can print it out easily.

       When it comes to web pages, the online viewer's focus is right in the center of the screen, where the initial focus goes and instead of going from left to right in an orderly fashion, the reader's attention floats about like a lightening bug in a jar.

       The Internet is also shocking. The stuff you see on the Internet is so shocking, you really have a much harder time standing out without saying insane things, because…


On The Internet, There Are A Ton of People Saying Insane Stuff!


       This is one drawback of e-marketing. There is less trust in it.

       Newspapers will not allow you to run an ad selling a machine that turns lead into gold. Newspapers and magazines do not want to ruin their reputation with cruddy Ads. However, they want Ad revenue so what they allow you to advertise and how, is sometimes a negotiation. For example, since our Ad looked like an article we had to put the word advertisement at the top. We may ask them to let us lower the font size but, they do screen the Ads.

       Not so with the Internet, where you can tell millions of people you lay golden eggs and will sell them for $3 each.

       Credibility is still an issue in print and online but you can also use both to gain credibility.

       The more often a person sees an Ad in a paper, the more they think to themselves, "Hey, these guys re still around and the paper hasn't found anything wrong, maybe they are for real."

       Online you can log onto forums and literally give yourself the reputation you want. If your name is too common or someone very famous already takes all the top google spots like Dan Brown, create a unique company name and start praising it in forums and around the Internet.

       People who want to check you out online will go to google and punch in your name or the name of your company. The highest ranked sites will usually be forums. If you post lots of good stuff about yourself on the forums, your online reputation will look stellar, giving you credibility.

       The most effective way to market online is through google ad words and endorsed mailings.

       When a person or company with a good reputation has a large audience and endorses your products or services, you really begin to make a lot of money. They bring the credibility and you bring the product or vice versa.

       Marketing online is much more about networking than print media ever was.

       Let's look at the factors I have already outlined about online marketing.

  • Marketers need to keep in contact with all the people on the list and provide good content to keep them happy.
  • Online delivery of marketing materials such as reports, letters and videos are cheap if not free.
  • The easiest money comes from endorsed mailings.

       Add that all up and what it means is people are desperate for content and …


Willing to Make Deals Left and Right!


       Because online lists need to be contacted so much there is room for a lot of promotions and the more the merrier.

       People working online are very receptive to cutting deals with each other.

       Another aspect of online marketing is people can create and delete online accounts and email addresses at will.

       Snail mail addresses can go bad because people move, but e-mail addresses can be kept forever or deleted. People can also have an unlimited number of e-mail addresses as well.

       I keep two and so do many others. We use them to sort our e-mail from stuff you may want to read and regular e-mail.

       In honor of my pop we will call primary e-mail addresses the A-pile address and the email accounts used for less important mail we shall label B-pile addresses.

       Another huge difference with online marketing is that junk email or spam is illegal.

       To cover your behind, you need to make sure everyone has signed up for your emails. They call this opting in. To be extra sure they are legally clear, some marketers have people verify twice that they want to receive emails. This is called double opt in. Keep the complaints or spam reports below 1/10 of 1% and everything is fine.

       To make it all simple we use a service to handle managing our lists. The service is called aweber and can be found at www.aweber.com

       When people sign up for our website, they do it through these guys.

       Aweber keeps a copy of the list and when we want to send out a notice or email to the people on the list. This is VERY helpful when your list gets into the thousands.

       At the bottom of every e-mail you send through them, there is a place where the recipient can elect not to have any more mail sent to them. Aweber will also keep track of those that unsubscribe to make sure you don't send them spam. This is called opting out.

       Aweber also has some other features I like.

       When you get an e-mail address through aweber you can usually tell what part of the country they are located and what is their area ode.

       The more knowledge we can get about our clients or prospects, the we can tailor or personalize our marketing.

       There are geographical biases among people. You can just look at election maps to see proof of that. Knowing your customers is vital and where they live says a lot.

       In our case……..

       Suppose we find that people in affluent areas with a lot of retirees seem to like what we do, and then we can target our marketing to address concerns more specific to them like reports on living trusts.

       We can also then seek to do joint ventures with others who have lists of affluent retirees.

       See, knowledge is everything.

       Another tool we use for online marketing is Alexa. It is basically a ranking of traffic on your site compared to others who have signed on to have their websites tracked.

       It is really good for comparing your website to others' and charting your website traffic patterns.

       Sometimes you want to keep people happy and you post information and don't ask them to do anything you can see like order or sign up for something. So you send out your letter, report or whatever it is into cyber space and hear nothing.

       That silence used to drive my dad nuts. He started asking people to do simple things just so he could reassure himself people were reading his letters.

       Then he got hooked on his Alexa ranking. This is one way I know people really like these letters. His Alexa rating spiked and shot up from an average of around 65,000 to near 20,000. The daily average ranking has climbed about 1000 places.

       Time to go feed you guys.

       With all my love,



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